At KidKraft, they believe that every child is an individual with a limitless capacity to create and explore. KidKraft specializes in toys that are inventive, interactive and educational. Everything KidKraft sells is designed by a team of dedicated engineers who focus on making each product as safe and sturdy as possible. This means that everything will last for years and years and can be even passed on from one generation to the next.
KidKraft is committed to:
● a standard of excellence in every aspect of its business, locally and internationally
● ethical and responsible conduct in all of its operations
● respect for the rights of individuals, and
● respect for world environment.
KidKraft fully expects the same level of commitment to be shared by all the manufacturers of KidKraft products and requires all manufacturers of KidKraft product to comply to the following minimum standards:
● no use of child labor
● no use of any forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise
● no discrimination on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion or disability
● treat each employee with dignity and respect
● provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace
● provide fair compensation
● respect for and compliance with environmental laws
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