Betsy Platkin Teutsch at Work

A Conversation with Betsy Platkin Teutsch: Repairing the World Through Art

The Who, What & Why of the Artistic Process By Karen Akst Schecter

We sat down a few days ago with Betsy Platkin Teutsch, a prominent figure in the contemporary Jewish renaissance, the author of 100 Under $100, One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women, and an accomplished Judaica artist, renowned for her captivating ketubot, ceremonial objects and book illustrations. Our questions and Betsy’s answers, follow:


Q: Why do you do what you do, or create what you create?
A: I create ketubot. For 42 years!!


Q: How long have you’ve been working as an artist? Did you enjoy any other careers?
A: Originally I was a Jewish educator. At this point I am an author, having just published 100 Under $100: One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women. It is essentially a curated collection of global Tikkun Olam (“REPAIRING THE WORLD”) projects, and a very beautiful full-color book featuring photographs. My artist’s eye translated very well into photo curation, as you can see.


Q: How did you become interested in the medium/media you use?
A: I fell in love with calligraphy as a middle school student. My teacher had lettered her roll book (remember those?) . When I became a serious student of Hebrew, it lined up. The illuminating came later, kind of an outgrowth of high class doodling.


Q: Did you receive formal training or have an apprenticeship?
A: Nope!


Q: Is there anything interesting or unusual in the creative process that you would like to share?
A: At this point in my career I only do lettering, on already lithographed texts. When I set down and start the calligraphy process it is meditative. I actually start to hear music. As my body focuses on the lettering task, which is automatic, I think other parts of my brain become more active. It is quite lovely!!


Q: Please tell us about your favorite piece of art you’ve created.
A: My all-time bestseller is Trees of Life. I have done 3 editions, beyond my wildest imagination. So naturally it is my favorite.


Q: Please tell us about the funniest or most unusual experience you have had as an artist.
A: I designed Judaica that has been sent off to remote places. My artwork in the Reconstructionist Prayerbook Kol Haneshamah is, for example, used in Beijing. One of my nephews reported seeing my tambourine design in Uganda, where he had a shabbat with the Abayudaya Jewish community. This is certainly fun, if not necessarily funny.


Learn more about Betsy and browse her creations here.

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By Karen Akst Schecter